Monday, March 25, 2013

2013 Miscellaneous

Here are the pages I've created to showcase what we've been up to in 2013, aside from our big trips that get their own private post. Also included here are pages I've made in response to a scrapbook challenge, or because I found a photo that I really wanted to scrap.


The next series of photos is a photo book I made of our family gathering in upstate New York in August. 

...end of family reunion book...

We did two paragliding road trips in September, although in both cases we did a lot more hiking and touristing and visiting with friends than actually flying.

 Once again we celebrated our anniversary—#37 this year—with a trip across the border to Canada. We're not usually city people, but Vancouver had more than enough to keep us happily exploring for the whole week—and the weather was unexpectedly beautiful every day. This book is just getting started, so check back later for updates on our hikes and cultural explorations.