Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chile, November 2006

Four years ago, looking for something special to commemorate our 30th wedding anniversary, George and I "bagged a new continent" by taking a paragliding trip to Chile. It's taken me all this time to get the photos from that fabulous adventure into a scrapbook, but this rainy fall has given me lots of time for doing just that. Here's our first trip to South America – many thanks to Luis and Todd from Atlanta Paragliding for making the paragliding segment a perfect anniversary celebration!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2010 Spring-Fall-Winter

Now that it's fall and the rain has returned to the NW (not that spring and summer were typically rain-free this year!), I'm finding the time to scrap the year's photos. One of my scrapbook groups hosts monthly "challenges" – create a layout that fits a given quote or topic, or uses specific papers, to earn free "stuff" for future layouts. I'm into freebies, so this is great incentive for me to get our photos scrapped! As retired folks, we have plenty of opportunity for doing all sorts of things – here are some of my pages showcasing what we've been up to in the past several months, and a few oddball pages that I created in response to a challenge.

Miscellaneous "Challenge" pages:



